Monday, September 13, 2010

Sharing the Winny Feeling

My friend's friend found this and put it on my facebook. I do think it's really cool.

Demo Days 1&2

Special Thanks to Bekka, Lottie, and Sydney... You ladies killed this stage of Winny Destruction!
Good thing the whole thing, and I mean the whole thing was made out of paper painted like wood and large staples. That made for a easy job with 2 sledge hammers, an ax and 2 crowbars. The hardest part truly was the toilette, still don't really know how it was held in place.

Winny gets a Rain Coat!


I should explain the origins of Winny and I believe then you might understand the next couple of pictures better....

Well Winny was found abandoned at a campground in Pittsburgh with her AC unit, generator, and battery stolen. When the man I bought her from came to take her off the hands of the campground director Winny had been left with a large hole and half the aluminum roofing torn off. She truly was in bad shape, however her engine was good. So this is where I find her, rotting slowly from the endless rain seeping into her walls, ceiling, and floor.

This still somehow doesn't completely explain everything but its the first element, next is the bird seed that fell out of the large hole left by the AC every time we hit a bump on the the bumpiest 6 hour drive ever from North Stratford NH.

This in combination with element A, element B and general heat and humidity of the inside of a Winnebago in summer....

See why it took me so long to start blogging, SH*% had to be DONE!

Love, it must be Love!

This is Winny the day we drove to New Hampshire to buy her.

Things that are Bigger then I am

Well friends, here it is. The Winny Blog! I have taken my time in starting this mostly because I believed that until Winny was no longer leaking and rotting away in my drive-way that I owed it to her to not waste my time typing and bitching about the state of things, and really get something real done to improve her. Well I am pleased to say I have, she no longer leaks with my new roof, even if some of the craftsmanship is lacking it really is a fine roof (pictures to fallow). I hope you all enjoy watching this adventure unfold and are inspired to maybe do something that's a little off of center and a whole lot bigger then you are as well.
